The media uses the "appeal to fear" all the time. Appealing to fear, according to Epstein's text is "a way politicians and advertisers manipulate people" (192).
An example I found that was completely relevant to this was drinking while driving and what the consequences of that are.
In this advertisement, I found this image that shows when an individual drinks any type of alcohol such as beer or wine, then operate a vehicle right or soon after consuming those beverages, the risk factor or "danger" of choosing that sort of action. The caution sign that had "Danger" clearly showed and proved that this advirtisement made a good argument because alcohol(any type) reduces the attention span and slows down our speed to reaction. Just imagine, if alcohol even having one drink of any type, can have that type of reaction on an individual, depending on their body tolerance factor or BAC (Blood Alcohol Content, then getting behind the wheel will definitely pose a factor of possible accidents, which can lead to death(s). This advertisement was meant in a way to mainpulate people however not in a deceiving way rather more to inform people; if you choose to drink then drive, you can be at risk of various types of danger.
An example I found that was completely relevant to this was drinking while driving and what the consequences of that are.
In this advertisement, I found this image that shows when an individual drinks any type of alcohol such as beer or wine, then operate a vehicle right or soon after consuming those beverages, the risk factor or "danger" of choosing that sort of action. The caution sign that had "Danger" clearly showed and proved that this advirtisement made a good argument because alcohol(any type) reduces the attention span and slows down our speed to reaction. Just imagine, if alcohol even having one drink of any type, can have that type of reaction on an individual, depending on their body tolerance factor or BAC (Blood Alcohol Content, then getting behind the wheel will definitely pose a factor of possible accidents, which can lead to death(s). This advertisement was meant in a way to mainpulate people however not in a deceiving way rather more to inform people; if you choose to drink then drive, you can be at risk of various types of danger.
Advertisers and politicians definitely use appeal to fear to manipulate us. Sometimes I find that they have good reason because they do want to protect use such as your example. They want us to not drink and drive because it is dangerous. The advertisement that you chose doesn't say anything but with the objects presented in the photo we can assume that drinking and driving can lead to danger. The photo doesn't specify what type of danger, which I like because multiple different types of dangerous events can happen when you drink and drive. I find the advertisement not to be too strong in using appeal to fear only because it could use more graphic photos to make people more fearful of drinking and driving but the advertisement still uses appeal to fear just less dramatic compared to other advertisements that I have seen to prevent drinking and driving.